Thursday, August 4, 2011

.a very bajetnyewww essay.

Assalamualaikum people! Indeed, it is a beautiful day of Ramadhan and I am smiling like this (^.^) okay maybe more like this =) tee hee. whaaat? senyum itu sedekah & obviously baik untuk kesihatan.

Okay, based on the post title above, korang mesti sedang terwonder-wonder, cik yana anthena banana nie nak cerita pasai apa plak? Takkan Anwar Hadi again? seriously, again? eh, sat sat, sebelum ni pon penah ada satu post je kan? dan jugak gambar profile banner dia yang ada kat tepi kanan tuu..tu jea, can't handle anymore IniAnwarHadi here? fine! tutup tab nie, tekan X kat hujung kanan tu. Hrmmmph :p

HAR HAR HAR *emotional seminit!
Seminit OVER, back to the main thing.

As you all know, okay maybe some dont know..last month (JULY) i attended this short intensive course dekat British Council, saja..nk mengisi masa lapang yg sometimes pretty much tak terisi. Woops. So, on the second week, we were asked to write a biography about someone, (friend/family member/anyone famous).

Dan tak disangkal-sangkal lagi, saya tulis pasal IniAnwarHadi. *daaaaaanng
Kedengaran bunyi suara-suara latar : 1. Yana nie bajet r tulis pasai Anwar Hadi, wekkk! 2. Mcm tadak org lain, hrmmmph 3. cey cey cey, eherm eherm 4. Awat hg tak tulis pasai Barrack Obama wey? Michael Jackson maybe?

Anyway, here I am..nk tulis balik that biography essay, memang muka tebal aku kan nk tulis kat sini? HA-HA *gelak kepada diri sendiri. Main reason adalah 'if hilang kertas essay tu suatu hari nanti, atleast boleh baca balik dekat sini dan boleh la reminisce balik days in British Council where I have written an essay about Anwar Hadi! ' :) Cukup kukuh tak reason itu?

And who knows someday, Anwar Hadi might read this. *senyum kambing sorang-sorang depan lappy. Saya DAYDREAM BELIEVER okay? Daydream nk jumpa Anwar Hadi and it happen! So i suggest you people start day dreaming about something u want right this instance! No doubt, it might just come true..woot woot!

Bunyi suara latar lagi : Okay yana, berhenti bebel, mana essay itu?

Okay sabaq sabaq. Sebelum itu harus dinasihatkan saya tulis essay biography ni menggunakan theme 'friend' dan bukan 'someone famous'. Ini bermakna saya tulis pasal IniAnwarHadi macam saya dah kenai dia lama, dan kononnya kawan rapat..ohohoho

Bunyi suara latar untuk kesekian kalinya : Bajet engkau ni yana, kau memang bajet, bajetnyewww!
Yana : Ni assignment jer dowh, lu kecoh-kecoh pesal? Lepak chill relax please...

Finally, here's the essay...

Born on the 26th of July 1990, Anwar Hadi grew up and became a good friend of mine. He first fascinated me with his humble personality during our first meeting. Since then, he has always inspired me to be a better person through his interesting way of thinking everytime we have a conversation about life. Not only that, he is also a good son who highly respects his parents and cares for his younger siblings.

Anwar was born in Kelantan and lived there till the age of 6. At that time, his Kelantan accent was excellent, however his family decided to move to New Zealand as Anwar's dad needed to further his studies. Anwar who was then 8, came home to Malaysia with a perfect English accent and lived with his family then in Kedah.

Back in school, Anwar was very into sports. Especially in games like rugby. Besides that, he also enjoys helping his classmates during English lessons as his English was very well-spoken and well-written. In any games he participated in, Anwar would definitely perform well which explains some major championships he won in rugby. In order to help himself improve English further, Anwar began writing his own blog when he was in high school. His good writing in his blog had persuaded many to follow his blog page.

Anwar is now currently studying at Macquarie University in Australia majoring in TESOL. He is very keen to graduate and come home to teach Malaysia's future generations. Recently, he was awarded 'Blogger of the Year' by Digi Wwwwow Awards, a contest he happened to participate in. Despite all his awesome achievements, Anwar is still the humble person I knew back then.

Though he is always busy with his studies, Anwar still finds the time to update his blog so that his followers won't get upset. At the moment, he is into video blogging which is a new found hobby of his, some videos are already posted on youtube. As he always says to me, 'The harder you work, the luckier you will be'.


Facts in the essay : mostly true (if u read his blog, u'll know it's true)
Me being his old friend : very not true (perasan seketika sewaktu essay ini dikarang)

Markah untuk essay : 4.5/5 (^O^)

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