Thursday, July 12, 2012

My 20th birthday

I want to remember this, so I'm posting it (>.<)

My birthday was not yesterday or even today, but it was three months ago. ngeh ngeh ngeh! Anyway, I would like to share this very special day since it was the day that the first digit number of my age turn 2, no more teen at the back but just twenty. (bajet poyo ni namanya)

Alhamdulillah, rasa terharu amat untuk birthday tahun ini. wahaha :) Dapat 2 videos specially made for me (nangeh macam nak rak tgk dua-dua, sobs), a surprise birthday lunch (thank you mommy&ayah, ibu&ayah kakak), another birthday lunch (thank you uncle anis), one whole cake (thank you azrene, zatil, & aizat), one piece of cake, and finally 4 red velvet cupcakes. Omnomnomnom! Memang kalian semua sangat meraikan pertambahan umur saya kali ini dan mungkin penambahan berat badan saya juga. Terima kasih, terima kasih!

1st link for my birthday video by Miss Amaani ( sangat sweet okay, thank youuuu) :

2nd link video is from my parents ( that awkward moment when your parents post a video on youtube for you, woaaahh parents these days..very hi-tech, terharuu sungguh hatiku) :

A Cake from Apom, Ramlah, dan Ayam for Kitty & me (my bday dgn my roomate selang 6 hari je dan yer, kami ada nama gelaran) a cute surprise after class!


The surprise birthday lunch by my family & friends! Sam & Piqah..tq coz dtg! Nampak itu red velvet cupcakes, tee hee :)


Last but not least, a slice of cake masa keluar birthday lunch dgn Uncle Anis!

Terima kasih semua, terima kasih Allah! I can't be grateful enough! Semoga kalian semua diberkati! Yg bagi presents tu thank u jgk! Yang wish dekat FB & text dkt hp pon thank u sgt-sgt yer! Muaaaaah! Alhamdulillah, 20 dan masih bernyawa :)

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