Thursday, July 26, 2012

.reminiscing life as a first year student.

Just like the post title, I would like to share some of the highlights of my life as a first year student in USM. Warning : this post may consist of too many photos ^.^

Let's begin!
Muka semua still very innocent time ni. hee
So this was the first week meeting the PPIK(Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan)  people, and this is my group for the day!

Then we played funny games like this

and we got to know each other a lil' more

Then it was time to meet the BATIans

My Bati Family

After a month, comes Kem Pimpin Siswa where all the 1st years had to attend

Yeah, kamilah siswa & siswi terpimpin!

Class Party! (1st & 2nd years)

Makan, makan! Omnomnomnom

Candid! with Dr. Noni :)

Batians (1st & 2nd years)

See you guys in the next 2 and a half years more, InsyaAllah :)